I happened to read this when I clicked on the latest message posted to the forum.
I also had the Parastat show up as a good product for me with the parasite killing. I had no idea at the time what it was needed for, but muscle testing has also been very accurate for me too. Having a good ND that knows their stuff with the biofeedback stuff is so important.
Barefoot's dewormer only showed good for me for the first 3 months, never again after that. I do think it's important that other types of herbs are also used, not just the ones normally found in products like Barefoot's and Humaworm. Different herbs hit different pathogens in a different way.
The other thing that tested strong for me for the longest time, along with the Parastat, was the Morinda Supreme Noni powder.
I just posted about the Holarrhena in this post. Would you mind also posting about your experience with the Parastat there too? thanks!