Absolutely, it ridded my acne. It can do it in one day. If I have a break out and take mms, it is gone the next day, no joke! Actually if you do a face mask of terramin clay it is a miracle as well. Also ingesting the terramin clay 1/2 hour after the Miracle-Mineral-Supplement helps to mop up pathogens just like Cdnfarmgirl was saying. Ascaris worms in the body are a MAJOR source of Acne as is a conjested liver (usually from parasites and toxins), all of which Miracle-Mineral-Supplement takes care of lickity split. I would bet that anyone with Acne has Ascaris bottom line. I did, I picked it up in Fiji and fought with it ever since until Miracle-Mineral-Supplement uncovered this problem I didn't even know existed and expelled. MMS is awesome.