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Your Working Title
InnerCalm Views: 1,513
Published: 15 y
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Your Working Title

A working title for your book....

Mind Locked Wide Shut

The theme of this book is about someone whose extremely limiting beliefs are challenged. In facing his self limiting beliefs, the main character, Jack, feels very threatened and awkward, so he continually lashes out. He is in despair. A self made prison.

Jack, the main character, is a stubborn donkey who brays loudly when faced with change. His friend, Jesus, rides around on his back spurring him on a predetermined path. Jack doesn't realize that Jesus is a quantum hologram being projected forth by the government in the society where Jack resides. Jesus is all he knows and finds comfort in his presence. Jack's every move is controlled by his illusionary friend. Until he sees past the illusion, he remains imprisoned and defends the illusion with loud braying.

The story evolves...

...over life times in the bodies of many jack asses.

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