Re: Fall Of The REPUBLIC!
As a lead-in to the following, perhaps you were aware (or not) of Capmark Financial's filing for bankruptcy on 10/25/09.
As the [dollar death] supporting sets accrue with modelspace moving through Fall and into Winter (2009/2010), a [wave] of [unemployment] is [generated]. These supporting sets for [unemployment] are describing a situtation in which the [general economy] of the [populace/USofA] is [crushed] such that [over half] of the [small businesses] will be [bankrupt] and [closing doors] in a [short period]. The timing clues that are available in the data sets seem to be describing a [collision] of [waves of bankruptcy] from both the [international coporate business], as well as the [local small businesses]. A natural consequence of the [bankruptcy wave collision] is the almost immediate manifestation of a [crisis in unemployment] that the data sets accruing to the Populace/USofA indicate will also [precipitate bankruptcy crisis] at the [state government] level as both the [unemployment funds] and the [retirement accounts] are [reduced/eliminated].
As modelspace is progressed through Fall and into the Winter, the accretion patterns paint a picture of [crippling/crushing] and [sudden] [poverty] that will provide the pressures that [propel] the [revolution] meta data layer into [active state] later in 2010. As the [Populace/USofA] is [reeling] from the [economic infrastructure collapse], it then has to [contend] with the [assault] on the [health (of the) body] by TPTB through both [disease/vaccines] AND [aerosol spraying (aka chemtrails)]. These aspect/attribute sets accrue with descriptors for [new (tactic)], and [increased volume], and [choking spray], and others in the vein of [chemical fogs].
Again it is noted that the larger archetype of [duality] is dominating all of the other archetypes within the Populace/USofA entity. As the [duality] is to be expressed over 2010, the trends of Fall will be [amplified] and the primary supporting aspect of [contention] will be the most [visible] over 2010. The [contention] archetype is filled with repeating support for [old (control/patriarch) structure] being [opposed] by a [new], and [novel] grouping of [self adhering alliances]. The [new alliance] is indicated to take its [philosophy] from the [thinking] of a [curandero (or healer/shaman)], most likely from Southern Mexico or other area within the [highlands] of central america. The [new alliance (of opposition to TPTB)] is indicated to be [global/planetary], and the cross links from the GlobalPop entity totally obsure the detail layers of the [opposition/contention]. The accretion patterns show that the [planetary/global (level of opposition)] get a very large boost in the emotional sums from the [success] of the [American revolution/opposition] in mid 2010.
A trend of Fall that will be [amplified] over Winter of 2009/2010, and especially within the months of January and February of 2010 is the emergence of the [refuseniks] with the Populace/USofA. This subset of [refuse (to take the) flu vaccine] grows from its initail point of maximum [visibility] in Fall into the [central hardness (of the) core] of the [expressing (or manifesting)] of the [revolution] meta data layer from early in the year through to the tipping point of November 2010. The newly processed data sets include details showing that the [refusieniks] of Fall are met with a much more [agaggressive] and [brutal (offialdom) suppression] in February. The [battles] in the early months of 2010 over the [disease] and [vaccine] contexts are indicated to form the [first rallying cry] of the newly [emergent revolutionary movement] here in the USofA. The cross links from Populace/USofA over to the GolbalPop entity are pointing toward a similar movement at a global level, though with a mixture of responses by various regional [officialdom].
The [refusenik] subset within the Populace/USofA entity grows from it focus on [vaccine refusal movement] to a broader [revolutionary] group over the course of 2010 as the [oppression] from the [officialdom] becomes [unveiled/unhidden]. This area is also under the influence of the [secrets revealed] meta layer. These data sets continue to point to [incidents] in which [revolutionary actions] will [liberate] many [deeply held secrets] of [officialdom] that will in turn lead to the [resignation] and [elimination] of numbers of [high level minions] in both the [civil sevice class of minion] as well as the [political class of minion].
The [refusenik] subset growth over January/February of 2010 is joined in early March by internal cross links over the [famine] subset, specifically focused on [north america]. These internal cross links both originate and terminate in both sets, implying a joining or [confluence] of forces acting on the [mass social behavior]. The [famine] subset of the Populace/USofA sub set gains support over the Spring of 2010 from [officialdom actions], and [plans and policies] that are indicated to [exacerbate] the [planetary food crisis] due to the [dollar death], and the [collapse (of the) just-in-time (national food delivery system)] here in the USofA. This area also has extensive cross links over to the GlobalPop entity where it mostly terminates in geographic associated areas that can be described as being within the [anglosphere of influence]. The combined sets of the [famine], and the [refuseniks], when added to the [dollar death] subset provide nearly half of the emotional tension values for the Populace/UsofA by the time that modelspace is progressed through to the vernal equinox on March 21, 2010. This is a huge proportion of the emotional values and is rarely seen. Usually there are several thousands of contexts driving any entity, and to have this much of the impanct and duration values reslove down to so few issues has ONLY ever been observed following a “context change” for the larger social order. Stated another way just to muddy the idea, we have only had data sets driven by so few values twice in the last 9 years of this work: the first was following the 9-11 attacks; the second was following the sudden emergence of the [comprehensive immigration reform] social/political movement here in the UsofA. The first was an example of both a ‘tipping point’ and a ‘social context change’. The ‘tipping point’ due to a single (more or less) incident or event being the cause, and the ‘social context change’ following 9-11 due to the [usurping of powers by officialdom/TPTB] and the promulgation of the ‘war on terror’ meme. As indicated by the chart near the top of this report, modelspace is indicating that we face both ‘context change’ and ‘tipping points’ in the near future. It also notes that the data sets are forecasting 2/two of each in the next 2/two years.
While it seems fairly clear from this perspective on the upcoming year that the context change marked for July 7th of 2010 is likely due to the [turning point (of the war against TPTB by the populace)] and the sub set of the [revolution] meta data layer, the flavor of the context change expected in late December derives from the mass of data linking the [famine] subset at the planetary level, to the [dollar death] subset within the Populace/USofA entity. Further emotional reinforcement is derived from the GlobalPop entity where the growth during that time is within sets having cross links to the Terra entity with specific termination in [oceans] sub set, as well as [crop crisis/food crops failure] sub set. Both of these sub sets in the Terra entity gain support from [extra (or beyond) cyclic weather changes] in the Terra entity, and external cross links to the SpaceGoatFarts entity where the termination points are within the [unknown energies from space] sub set.
An important supporting element within the [infertility] sub set of the Populace/USofA is also cross linked back over internally to the [unemployment] sub set, as well as externally over to the Markets entity where it terminates in [bankruptcy], and then is further cross linked over to the Terra entity where it terminates in the [oceans] sub set. Taken as a who these linked, but diverse sub sets provide details ponting to a [fertility crash] within [ocian populations )of fish and other life)] that will help propel a [wave] of [unemployment] within the [food sevice industry] over much of 2010. The data suggests not merely [restaurants], but all segments of the [ocean to human food chanin] will be [crippled] as the [biosphere contracts] at an [extremely rapid pace] within the [oceans]. There are even deeper levels of sub sets indicating that [farmed fish] and other [farmed aquatic ocean life] will also experience a [significant reduction] in [productivity] as the [weather/climate conditions] change, including a [notable/noticeable] [rise (in ocean temperatures)], due to [carbon dioxide] issues with [feeder sources (of water)].
- Excerpt from The Shape of Things To Come Vol. 0 Issue 2 September 15, 2009, pages 27-30.