Re: slow phase 2 liver detox + adrenal fatigue
Hv: Check your basal body temperature. This is very accurate, especially combined with symptoms.
unfortunately i can't attest to the complete accuracy. i only had a digital thermometer (max temp 37 degrees) and apparently it beeps when it reaches the correct temp but i'm deaf so i can't hear it ;) so for the last few days, i just left it under my arm until it switched itself off.
Hv: Puffy as in water retention?
puffy as in ridiculous water retention - or maybe i'm even just metabolising air. it is kinda like non-pitting edema (no indentation) but it is everywhere. and it fluctuates. for example, 2 years ago it took 3 months to get my blood drawn because my arms were so puffy - they ended up having to take it from my foot. every day i have a different level of puffiness - sometimes my fingers are so swollen i can't write, othertimes my feet are so swollen i can't wear shoes, and somedays i just don't have big enough underwear to even get dressed. and i have clothing in 3 different sizes. there is no apparent correlation (food, water, stress etc), it's just kinda random.
(i guess i could just buy clothes in stretchy, sweaty man-made fibres with elasticated waistbands and just wear hush puppies. but i think my brain would melt.)
before i did my big 36-day water fast to-completion, my puffiness was greatly exacerbated by any movement. if i went swimming, i either couldn't get my flippers off afterwards - or my breasts would puff up so much they would come out of my top. it was much, much worse before that fast but it is still really bad.
and, stands to reason, the puffier i am, the less energy i have. when i reach maximum stretch, i feel nauseous and i can hardly move.
Hv: The Jarrow formula looks the best.
thanks, i'll get it then
Hv: (cordyceps) Mmmmm.......caterpillar fungus
sorry, what? i didn't read that! i thought it was a mushroom? seriously??
if you can help me fix my puffiness, i vow to name my first born after you (luckily your real name isn't hveragerthi otherwise my child would probably be ten before it could reliably spell its own name)
thanks hv
- lulu