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Re: need clarification of Dr. Schulze's colon cleanse
Skylah Views: 3,277
Published: 21 y
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Re: need clarification of Dr. Schulze's colon cleanse


I just had to write to you because I have been finding my way through MCS/Fibromyalgia/Irritable bowel/Candida for five years! God knows I have tried everything under the sun, and probably done everything backwards....but I am better than I used to be and I am still alive!

So having said that, I totally agree that you should try out colonics- I've been doing them since the summer, and they have helped a lot. It will decrease your toxic load almost immediately. It really helped me with brain fog symptoms. The health of your colon is soooo important, but I understand that you're probably allergic to so many things like me. Start out with some psyllium or ground flax seeds and see if that helps- remember to drink LOTS of water- 2-3 quarts a day. I have severe constipation, too, and I know now that it's largely because of my thyroid. If you're always cold and have very dry skin and are always constipated and craving sugars and breads, then get something to help your thyroid. I'm still trying to find what would work best for me. I have read that taking kelp would help, but there's also animal extracts and such- I'll let you know what I come across.

Eat as much organic as you can- I didn't do this for a long time, but I soon realized that I felt noticeably worse after eating sprayed food, so I spend my money on that. Get a water filter or get some delivered to you. Can you tolerate raw veggies and fruit? Start slowly and go easy on fruit- though grapefruit is supposed to be okay for candida. Try some stevia for sweetness- it's an herb that is non-toxic and Sugar free. I use it in herbal tea, and in food.

Look into NAET treatments. I started them two years ago. It's a system that eliminates allegies, and uses accupressure and kenesioligy. It's probably the safest thing you can do when you're so weak, because your body will detox gradually. It's been a really slow process for me, and for a long time I didn't know if it was helping- but I look back and realize that my hot flashes are gone, I don't fall asleep after every meal, I sleep more, and I'm more aware of my reactions. Before I just felt like death all the time- now I know when I'm in contact with an allergen right away. Foods are the worst for me, and we're working through that now. Go to too find out more.

Go easy on the juicing! I remember when I made my first glass of juice a few years ago, and practically pucked right there! I was way too toxic, and it wasn't going to come out of anywhere. I still can't make beet juice without having go slow. How about a little celery, parsley, carrot....see how you tolerate it. Try a little lemon and water in the morning. I find that my liver is weakest in the morning, so if I do juice, I'll save it for later on, like after lunch- just not on an empty stomach.

I'm now doing a parasite cleanse, and it's been rough. I give myself enemas to move things along, and am trying to find a Bowel Cleanse that's not too harsh. My best advice is to listen to your body and to take eeverything really slow. Many pr's don't understand how sensitive we are compared to healthier people. Whatever it is I'm taking, I always start with 1/4 the dose and then work my way up to see if it's okay...otherwise my body freaks out!

I wish you the best and will write back when I think of more stuff!

Good Luck! Terry.

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