this is better than a morphine shot
Due to small bowl obstructions, I am exposed to radiation from x-rays; also, toxins from intestinal shut down. This bath and caster oil pack is very powerful in removing radiation and toxins. IT WORKS...........
First sit in an ebsom salt bath for 20minutes.
4 cups ebsom salt in a full tub of water.
Have a timer, so you do not exceed the time limit.
Drink plenty of water before and after the bath .
later on, eat a banana, avocado; anything with potassium and magnesium.
This bath depletes your body of potassium and magnesium. Repeat bath only two times a week.
If this is your first time, I recommend having a family member in the home during your bath. You may feel faint, or lightheadedness. Above all, you will feel extremely relaxed.
cut a flannel pillow case into strips
cold processed caster oil (Home Health 16 fl oz)
heat pad (electric, or hot water bottle)
while in the tub, soak flannel strip in 16fl
oz of caster oil.
Strip needs to be soaked: nice and sticky.
have one, or two OLD towels handy to clean up access oil.
apply flannel strip soaked with oil to desired area.
You can keep the oil pack on for as long as you want, but not less than one hour. It needs time to penetrate the skin.
Apply hot pad on to oil pack. If you are using an electric heat pad, make sure you don’t fall asleep. People have been known to burn there skin.
After oil treatment, get a trash bag and roll your oil pack up in it. Caster oil is a very stable oil, therefore you do not need to store it in the refrigerator.