My mom is nearing stage 4 kidney failure and has now come to realise she has to take her health into her own hands. I will order Dr. Schulze 's 5 Day Kidney Detox along with the Cayenne Tincture. She has already started a better diet including more raw foods, vegetables and less meat and a exercise program.
My question is: Would it be safe to use the K-B Formula and K-B Tea on a daily basis after the 5 Day Kidney Detox Program or should my mom use Waterelon Seed Tea and Parsley Tea instead of the K-B Formula and K-B Tea? Can these teas be used daily for long periods of time without aggravating the kidneys or should I cycle the teas every few weeks?
Is there anything else on Dr. Schulze 's website I can order to help my mothers kidneys. If there is or if you have anything else you could recommend, I would appreciate it very much.