15 y
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Re: Cataract Update - going going gone
Yeah, you're right.
I was originally diagnosed by an optometrist at Lenscrafter, just getting my glasses updated. I believe his diagnosis because I'd just driven back from Palm Springs at night and had had a terrible time with halos and cloudy vision.
But when I went to the opthamologist a month later for more comprehensive tests and had been doing the supps, I think he assumed that the optometrist had over-blown the diagnosis, I only had a SMALL cataract. The vibe was the optometrist was a hack and HE was giving me the right diagnosis. That was when my vision was checked again and was 20/15.
I didn't mention the supplements but I knew my eyes had improved immensely in that month and the headlight halos were gone.
I asked him if he was familiar with the Russian studies and he said, There's no cure for cataracts.
Too bad, young guy, I guess they can't keep up on everything but this is kind of major if you're in the eyeball business.
To his credit he thanked me when I emailed him a link to the NAC research. Don't know if he read it or not.
I hadn't started the NAC drops when I saw him. I'll go back in a year and hopefully do a little happy dance in his office.