Re: Telman advice needed
Hi, Sorry, not Telman...But you described exactly how I felt before Liver flushing..I also had some acute Gall Bladder attacks..that had me scheduled for surgery..
Keep flushing..and use a small amount of ES..see if it bothers you all that much.
You are are NOT digesting your food. It just sits there and ferments. You either are not producing very much or poor quality bile..OR the bile you produce isn't getting past your gallbladder.
Include lots of natural fats in your diet regularly, but I, personally, fast on flush day.
It can take a few flushes but it will eventally "click" and you will feel fantastic. Hang in there!
I use a loose version of
Hulda Clark 's flush..I bend the rules regularly..just to see what I can get away with!
I have not done any "paraste killing" but I DO love raw/cooked garlic, pumpkin seeds, etc..and I have found loads of "parasites" in the bowl after a flush..Particularly after I chased a flush with some red wine..great for ridding ones mouth of the oily taste..and killed some buggers to boot..LOL..and NO I have never been ill during a flush..slightly uncomfortable during the first ones when I was REALLY congested..NO problems after that..Best of luck!