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Re: bile
Bile cycles: the entero-hepatic cycle. From the liver and gallbladder into the intestines, absorbed into the portal vein and transported back the liver where it is used again and again. Thats why the colon health is so important to the condition of the bile.
Because of our lifestyles the cycle can slow down and the bile starts to clump together and looses its efficiency. Sometimes a sudden one-of event such as a course of medication or illness can trigger of this slowing down called biliary stasis. Sometimes it goes away, and sometimes it returns again in a year or two. This stasis if often accompanied with a weak gallbladder that doesn't contract fully and starts to sludge up. This then leads to a congested liver and a build up or toxics that would otherwise be expelled in the bile.
Liver Flushing gives the biliary system a good kick and starts to reverse biliary stasis. However, full detox can over a year.
Stones are the indicator of biliary health. But not everyones stones are the same as poor bile consistency can be responsible for many variation in bile chemistry. From calcified
Gallstones to fatty soft stones. Even thick bile itself can give the same symptoms as gallstones.