Tracey, They look just like coffee grounds to the naked eye. There were lots, probably at least a couple hundred. When I was trying to look at them under the magnifier I accidently smashed some and there's like brownish/reddish gel like stuff in them. I looked all over the net last night trying to find pictures of parasite eggs and couldn't find anything that looked like it.
So I'm wondering..are these coming from my liver/gall bladder or intestines ? It's really seriously got me very upset. I did a parasite cleanse about a year ago and have very good bowel movements after every meal. I don't eat meat, although I do sometimes eat chicken/turkey and had some prawns at a resturant a few months ago. Just the thought of this is making me want to immdiately do another flush and see if anymore come out and then do a parasite cleanse.
What is everyone here using for parasites ? The Clark tincture or something else ? What works best ? Oh this is really grossing me out... I need to order something.