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--Answer--???--The Matter Disappears
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--Answer--???--The Matter Disappears

Hi imaxfli,

Your question: Appears gargling with MoM lessens the coating....why???

Answer: As you mentioned Milk of Magnesia(MoM) is an anti-acid.

If the pH of ones mouth is Acidic and we gargle with the MoM, then a reaction takes place between the Acids and Alkaline and Energy is released causing the matter to disappear!

For the "Beginning" and the "End" of "ALL" Life in the Universe is
controlled by the Acid Alkaline pH Balancing Principles !!!!!!!!!

"ALL" Sickness and Disease is "CAUSED" by the condition of the "Live Matter"
becomming too "ACIDIC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Life is "MATTER", so when it becomes too Acidic, this
"Causes" -----------"ALL" "Disease"----------- and "Matter" begins it's
Break down and "Decay" and "Matter" becomes "Released" back into
Electro-magnetic Energy again !

"Nothing" is Gained or Lost, it "ONLY" changes it's form !

Cause and Effect!

Smile Tis your choice.

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