Re: btw
I believe Willow has enquired on a previous occasion re' the welfare of Olivia, as many of us have, and where it is of course not necessary to make a post to feel a concern for her welfare, but merely reading the updates from the outset both here and within YouTube is sufficient.
The tone of your replies aimed at Willow are not conducive to a harmonious outcome, so I shall ask you to refrain from using this kind of approach, which is completely unnecessary and construed as somewhat abusive.
No one is chasing ghosts online.
The woman is dead? As of this moment in time you have proof of this I suppose?
Yes: most of our comments were about Olivia within this thread, and elsewhere as far as I know, because this epitomizes our concerns for others, and which means placing these people first and foremost, which is the spirit of curezone.
This is not an "obsession", and most definitely not a hobby,
but a demonstration of real concern............unlike your own.