fearful of taking the plunge
i've been looking into getting a nose job for a while now. i've always hated my profile since i was a kid. now that i'm older i figure 'why not do something about it?' so i've been looking up websites, trying to find information, learning basically. i've been looking at b4 and afters and some people look so much better after, which is totally encouraging. some people look basically the same, but what's sad is that some people look worst! that is what i'm fearful of. you hear so many horror stories of people who have had bad experiences and that scares you into not wanting it. but inside you know that you really do want it. it's hard to decide. on the one hand you know that if successful, it could be what you've been wanting all along. if unsuccessful, aye do you have a problem on your hands!! i wouldn't want to voluntarily make my problem worst. but at the same time, it's a gamble. it's like taking a risk, either you come out looking better, or come out looking a wreck. i get so discouraged when i hear horror stories. but at the same time i get so encouraged when i hear "happy-ending" stories, because it's something i really want. and then there's the 'revision rhinoplasty' issue. it's hard enough taking the plunge the first time, but the odds are, most people end up taking many more plunges. it makes me wonder why?? does something truly go wrong more often than not? are so many people unhappy with the results? am i crazy to want this? are some people just never happy and keep going back and become a slave to the knife (ie michael jackson)? it's sooo hard to choose. i'm scared. i don't know what to do now.