I am up to a capful three times a day. I must say that yesterday was the start of some heinous die-off. I am having almost migraine like headaches in the middle of the night (the headache is worse for some reason when laying down) but feels better this morning, nausea and the most awful leg cramps and calf twitching. I also am feeling shaky/trembly, sort of like how you feel if you stay in a hot bath or jacuzzi for two long. Now I will tell you that the leg problems have been an ongoing problem. I had leg cramps a lot as a child, but then when my "illness" started around the age of 30 (I just turned 43), one of the main issues I was dealing with was muscle twitching and restless leg like syndrome. I have a feeling the horrible muscle cramps I am having now in my legs is due to the remedies working on this long standing issues. I'm going to call HWS today and see if they can get a message to David to find out if this is probably what is going on. The leg cramps are so bad that I have to stay sitting down because as soon as I stand up and take a few steps, I immediately get a cramp. Two days ago, I did not have this problem but two days ago I was not yet up to a full capful. I just have to keep telling myself that despite the misery that this is all good and a sign that I am getting better. David found a lot of viruses and bacterial issues in my body which I had long suspected and I think that a lot of that stuff is being attacked right now. Ugh, don't you just love detoxing?! I hope this doesn't scare anyone off. I am more toxic than most people and thus I have more die-off to contend with I guess. Thanks.