wow! this is incredibly helpful information. thanks soooo much. i will def. check out and read those yahoo boards and start to think about chelating...
but before i do chelate - i'd like more evidence that i really do have heavy metal toxicity - now its true i grew up in manhattan (lots of cars), my mom had lots of merc fillings, (don't know if she had 'em when she was preg though - or if they came after the kids - i'll ask her), and i smoked for 15 years or so... but is that really enough for merc. tox? no use treating something if it ain't there...
may i ask you how you 'know' you have metal toxicity? b/c i've done two hair analyses now and while they do show low minerals - they don't show any high metals, per se...
just a question. if you're still out there - any info you can give me would be great.
thanks sooo much for pointing out this possibility.