My mother was diagnosed with recurrent inoperable cervical cancer in December 2008. She tried one chemotherapy which nearly killed her. Sinse then we have been trying some herbs said to be healing in my country (Russia), but it made the situation worse. She has had a fever of up to 38 C degrees in the evening. She is very weak, has a nephrostome now and the worst thing is the recto-vaginal fistulas that make her defecate via the vagina. She found herself in hospital 3 weeks ago with a heavy bleeding. The only good thing is that she regained her good appetite which was bad a month ago. On June 1 we started with the Budwig diet, a week ago (on June 8) I started to give her Inositol/IP6 (2 pills 4 times a day, 5 pills twice a day since this morning), Sutherlandia OPC (3 capsules twice a day), Curcumin (4 capsules of 600mg a day) and NAC (2 capsules 4 times a day). I also giving her Maitake and Agaricus teas (produced in China). The only things she eats are FO and CC (about 4 tablespoons of oil a day), fruit and vegetables. I am trying to give her iodine, selenium and Vitamin C as well. Also a teaspoon of Colloidal Silver twice a day with meals for a week already (is it time to make a break?) Could you please say if I need to correct or add something as I don't really know how much time of living my mother has ahead. I am very much afraid that we won't be able to wait for the oleander to start reducing the tumour. The tumour is so big that my mother has a bad pain in her leg that even narcotic medicine cannot kill. Could you advise on how to take it away or minimize it?