Re: Go to Ask Moreless forum ands ask Refreshed and Grz about iodine vs the Moreless protocol!!!
No thanks!
Iodine has been a major blessing for me, I am so thankful to have tried it. Magnascent
Iodine is very mild.
My eyes are brighter, my skin is clear, no more candida, I think clearly, I have more stamina, can sleep better, heal faster...
Even strangers in the grocery store etc, tell me I have bright eyes, and they are brown!
I have a supposedly incureable skin disorder that is still here, but looking better than it did...
My pets even take small amounts of
Iodine in water and have become healthier.
Its OK to not believe in Iodine supplementation...but maybe try it first.
Most people do experience an unhappy detox period.