Why you SHOULD continue the Olive oil/lemon juice treatment. It's NOT about removing "stones." It IS about liver and all around general body health.
The above studies remarks on the ability of olive oil to RESTORE insulin normalcies in muscle tissue. Insulin is less qualitative in an older body. The insulin is restored in the muscle tissue and this allows muscles to retain the proper balance of glucose for proper functioning. One of the issues is "serum" measurements relied upon by doctors. Serum measurements do NOT denote muscle tissue absorption or other absorption or converstion rates in the body, it may be circulating in the blood, but it does NOT mean that the nutrients are being properly uptaken by the body, thus, olive oil is one of the crucial oils (fish oil and coconut oil as well) needed to ensure that the body RETAINS and ABSORBS the proper nutrients as well as converts them to useful forms.
Olive oil is also an Omega 3 supplier, which reduces inflammation and pain. (explanation of reduction in bursitis)
This study notes that Olive oil seems to help gall bladder pain, but does NOT assume that it is directly correlated with removal of stones. NOR that diet and activity are related to stones, as women most frequently suffer them, and usually these women are moderately active. No explanation as to why, nor suppositions.
The above study shows that Olive oil REDUCES fatty liver problems, in removing the fats clogging the liver. (one would suppose then that the "stones" are formed from THESE fats, and NOT from olive oil.) A working liver makes for a HUGE difference in nutrient circulation, in removal of toxins and in production of proper cholesterol levels and glucose levels.
BAD fats lead to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, to gall stones, to a diseased gall bladder, and to altered outputs and intakes of the liver.
Olive oil reduces blood pressure.
Olive oil reduces high Omega six ratios (this is believed responsible for inflammation of the joints)
Diets Rich in Olive Oil, Fish, Fruit, and Vegetables Are Key to Good Health
Lemons suppress diet induced obesity.
citrus reduces free radical (or oxidative stress) on the liver.
Olive oil reduces colon cancer
Olive oil may reduce cardiovascular risks, weight,
Rheumatoid Arthritis , obesity, and better immune function.
ascorbic acid is a storage product in both the liver and the kidneys. Citrus fruits contain ascorbic acid.
The above are for the most part, scientific in wording. However, if you take the words you don't understand (all are available on pubmed but the one) and copy them into a search engine, you will gather an idea of what the article talks about.
The "cleanse" isn't about removing stones. It's about removing dangerous fats from the liver, it's about removing toxins from the liver and blood and it's about UPloading proper cellular storage capabilities to the human body.
There is NO need for fishing out "stones" from your excretions, nor is there a need for this "flushing" of stones. Proper diet is IMPERATIVE in this day and age, and vegetable oils are proving to be very harmful to the human body. Hooray for olive oil's ability to REMOVE those harmful imbalances caused by too much vegetable oil. Lemon juice is VERY good for the liver, it reduces the liver's and the pancreas' need for making enzymes to digest foods, leaving them to do more important jobs.
The addition of the 1/2 cup olive oil/1/2 cup lemon juice ARE beneficial, the
Epsom Salts may be but ONLY if your body is not depeleted of minerals and vitamins (auto-immune people are depleted) BOTH have tremendous health benefits to the body, so are encouraged, to the eventuality of 2 tbsp daily of olive oil in the diet.
I hope that the reasons we feel better after taking this concoction are better explained now, and that it really has nothing to do with "stones" but with removal of the bad fats from the liver and body, and also with better nutrient uptake in the entire muscular system, enabling us to have better energy, focus and health.
There ARE studies, just not the way you may want to see them. Be creative in your searches on a MEDICAL source (wikipedia is able to be changed by EVERYONE in the population) and you'll find answers.
I'm satisfied now as to why I feel better taking the lemon/olive oil concoction. I've long had a dietary struggle to keep Diabetes type II at bay, (I'm just under the borderline) I feel better EACH time I do the olive oil and lemon juice enables that olive oil to be absorbed readily and quickly. With the depletion (I have Lupus) of minerals and vitamins occurring in my body due to the antibodies attacking my liver and joints, I'm sure my muscles were unable to retain the proper glucose levels. That restoration has an immediate effect (within one day) and that is now explained by the manner in which olive oil acts.
I in NO way denounce the "liver cleanse" I hope to help us figure out what exactly makes it work. The name is appropriate, the stone theory is not. It cleans the liver of BAD fats. Not of stones.