Contents-list of Knowledge-seekers 30-step recommendation
The program recommended by "knowledge-seeker", just in case it helps someone:
1. Dr Schultze "Incurables" program (Vegan raw food or juice fast, herbal superfood, kidney + liver + bowel cleansing Morning Drinks and Teas, Schultze Herbal Detoxification formulas, Schultze bloodstream + immune formulas, fresh raw garlic, high enemas, Hot and Cold Showers, Hot Castor Oil Packs, The Cold Sheet Treatment once weekly, daily massage + bodywork + skin brushing + scrub, sweat-breaking exercise 1 hour daily, 100% positive attitude, responsibility for self, naked sun + airbath daily, bare feet grass walking, deep breathing, all-natural natural soaps, shampoos + toothpastes, all-natural fiber clothing, lots of Potassium Broth)
2. CoQ10 60 mg 3x/day
3. Common mushroom extract (agaricus bisporicus)
4. Cordyceps mushroom extract
5. Parsley root tincture
6. Burdock tincture
7. Wheatgrass juice
8. Avoid all foods/activities bad for kidneys (including meat and stress)
9. Juice of dandelion leaves/greens/roots
10. Other juices - beet/carrot/spinach/parsley/cucumber/garlic/ginger,
Watermelon with seeds and rind, apple/grapes/berries
11. Juice fasting + potassium broth (Fill a large pot with 25% potato peelings, 25% carrot peelings and whole chopped beets, 25% chopped on-ions including 50 cloves of garlic , 25%
Celery and dark greens. Add hot peppers to taste. Add enough distilled water to cover vegetables and simmer on very low temperature for 1-2 hours. Strain, or just dip your mug in, and drink only the broth)
12. Additional juice fasting info - very important if already ill
13. Beneficial teas (watermelon seed, juniper berry, parsley, marshmallow, MILAGRO TEA, buchu)
14. Plantain tea (plantago major)
15. Diaphoretic teas (anise, peppermint, thyme, black pepper, cayenne)
16. Foods and herbs for kidneys (wheatgrass, parsley, celery, dandelion, green beans, horseradish, watermelon, banana, cucumber, artichoke, cayenne, flaxseed, peaches, pepitas, cranberries)
17. Castor oil packs
18. Kidney "glandulars"
19. Skin detoxifying to help kidneys (skin brushing, dry saunas, water immersion - maybe detox salt/clay bath?, exercise + sweat)
20. Water immersion "dialysis"
21. Dr Christopher's kidney recommendations ( )
22. Further info - PURE WATER, fruit + veg fasting (esp. watermelon, apples, citrus, wheatgrass, veg juices), acidophilus + bifidus, ground flaxseed, fish oils
23. Urine therapy
24. Advice for associated conditions (heart, insomnia, anemia, weakness)
25. Self-education (Schultze, Jensen, Christopher, Linda Rector Page, Ehret, David Frahm, Dining in the Raw recipe book)
26. Helpful websites (Schultze, Christopher, Curezone)
27. Notes re schedule + following program
28. More on urine therapy usefulness
29. Notes on diuretic herbs
30. 20 steps to a healthier life (SChultze - pure water, raw foods, detoxing, sweat + exercise, hot + cold hydrotherapy, deep breathing, laughter, de-stress, loving, expressing emotions, all natural fibres + skin products)
31. Tying it together, making lists + timetables
32, 33 + 34 - more detail on the Incurables program