Re: Brain Remedies & More Update
What I find so surprising is that there seem to be no HWS practitioners in my area. I am in So. Cal, and I would think of all places, the area would be crawling with them. I also will be moving to TX in August for an indefinite about of time and they told me no practitioners there either. So weird to me.
About detoxing. I know what you mean about pushing it, but I have gone through so much detox in the last 13 years, like Raider, I kind of am a rip the bandaid off quickly kind of person. As I am sure you can relate, when you have been sick for over a decade, the last thing you want to do is to continue to drag things out. I have been sick for so long that I cannot honestly remember what it feels like to be well, and that is scary. I just need to get over what is causing this dual heel pain (is it just the bone spurs, or like Humaworm people suggest, probably a pooling of toxins while on the cleanse), so that I can get around better. I need to be able to get back to work once I get to TX, so that I can afford to do the protocol. And in this economy that is going to be tricky. I wish I knew of a good work at home job I could do in the meantime.