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Supplements Question...YES or NO?
aebjrm Views: 1,968
Published: 15 y

Supplements Question...YES or NO?

Hi all...

There's so much out there I read about supplements...can you give me advice please?

1. Multi - I can really only do liquid multis (can't swallow big pills)...I was using Buried Treasure High has 7g Sugar in the form of white grape juice, apple juice, cherry juice, and raspberry juice (in its additional ingredients section). THEN, I read NOT to take multis b/c it helps FEED the candida, i.e. gives it strength?! Is this true? How am I to build up my system when I'm told to take a multi if it also is building up the candida?

2. Cal/Mag - Bluebonnet Lemon-flavored. 600mg mag to 1200 mg cal...3 g sugar. Is this OK?

3. Probiotics - Primadophilus Optima w/ 35 billion CFU. Is it OK to take while I'm adjusting to diet changes OR should I wait until AFTER I take antifungals, etc. I've heard it BOTH ways...take during ENTIRE treatment and / or take ONLY after yeast gone...and how do we know it's all gone anyways?

4. Emergen-C Lemon Flavor "Lite" (less sugar)...I take this for extra Vit C...but then I've read that extra Vit C creates problems in a body w/ candida.

I appreciate all your guidance, everyone! :)

P.S. Don't ask me for references 'cause I go on so many candida pages that they all seem to flow together after awhile. Just bear with me!

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