In grade school language...please help me with understanding what is meant by things I am reading are "oxidizers" and "super-oxidizers".
Trapper talking about Collodial Silver:
greater oxygenation. that is why i stopped silver long ago. the oxidative stress was killing my liver. but my god, i did tons of YELLOW silver, must have been hundreds of PPM.>>
Newport's post:
>>>The problem is super-oxidizers like Hg,
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement and others.
Both Iron and Copper are used to oxidize in certain body functions, but if a super-oxidizer already exists in the body tissue and blood then both these are altered or marked for excretion. From memory copper is required to change
Iodide to a bio-available form of
Iodine by the thyroid.
Iron is easier to grasp; we ingest iron then a super-oxidizer like Hg oxidizes it to rust and we become both iron (rust) toxic and iron deficient...>>>
Trapper's post about the silver got me wondering yesterday, and I'm not wanting to debate
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement , but I would like to understand better what people may think they are taking innocently..that could potentially be a problem...
This post got me thinking more about it, because of the post about
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement being a "super-oxidizer":
>>>I take MMS..
nothing else but antioxidants>>>
Wouldn't that be a "catch-.22"?
So, exactly what does happen with the MMS? I'm not interested in using it (!) But I do have some concerns for people that think it's the "cure-all" without also understanding more about what it does if it's also a "super-oxidizer" :(
One other question...don't take Vitamin C (antioxidant) close to when
Iodine is taken because...(it's also an oxidizer?) How far in between taking them, because I'd like to try the
Iodine spaced through the day like Gerson therapy protocal..but I also take Vitamin C through the day for the Lead.