What God does Moreless follow?
Moreless: "Hi Ya'll,
I was wondering when Hveragerthi would admit he didn't believe in the Creator and may be Why he has such a great problem with the Truth of God?
Here is a Quote where refreshed asked him a direct question and he side stepped answering it:
Question refreshed asked: Do you believe and trust in God?
And: Where will your lack of trust end?
Hveragerthi's reply: Quote: "The important question is where does it start? The answer is with truthful facts, not the made up as he goes ramblings of someone who does not even understand the basics of human anatomy and physiology or chemistry." End quote.
I believe the Bible Clearly states that those who Deny Edit:(Christ)End edit. are none of God's?"
So Moreless had his follower post this in a NON-RELIGION DEBATE BOARD then makes up accusations that I don't beleive in God because I refused to answer and discuss an OFF TOPIC question on another board.
So what God does Moreless follow. We are supposed to try to follow the teachings of our God to become more God-like ourselves. The God I am aware of is a loving, kind, very truthful God there to support his children. And Moreless? Conniving, lying, misleading, angry, mean spirited, not caring who he hurts as long as he can feed his ego even though pride is a sin. So who is Moreless' God?
Moreless: "I really feel sorry for this guy whom seems to be deceived by Satan the devil and does not even realize it !"
Ahhhh, the answer. Moreless has once again shown his deceit by projecting his character falsely on to me. And he has accused me of doing the Devil's work in the past when I have challenged his lying and misleading claims. But I am not employed by the Devil. In fact I have never worked for him so I don't even have a clue what the Devil's work is that Moreless mentions. Yet Moreless seems to be very familiar with it. So it appears that we may have our answer. Moreless must worship the Devil as his God to know so much about what the Devil's work entails.
See Moreless was right on one thing, tis is not always as it first seems to be. If you ever decide to come to God in Heaven Moreless let me know. I might not know anything about the Devil's work, but I know a lot about the work that God in Heaven wishes us to do. So I will be happy to tutor you if you truly wish to follow God in Heaven!