Re: one more twitter...
I'll keep my ear open. I do agree. The line has been crossed. You can see it behind the eyes of those working for that angle. I see them in the news and in many other places.
It tells through many cultures and intuitives that the 'shift', the 'photonic shift' into 2012 is about us being able to experience 'the 4th dimension' as physical humans. We have a choice as the vibration of this star begins to rise, calling out for a stop to her degradation and calling for humans to have more compassion. Like the 'mortal oscillatory rate' of a bacterium shattered by Rife - so are we, too, then given the chance to either raise our vibration with this star, come closer to oneness and to God, reclaim our right to, by raising our consciousness and vibratory healing ability, heal our DNA and each other.
The next level of the video game in the 'laying on of hands' onto ourselves and others.
I do think there is karma coming for Mansanto and all those that have allowed a mutilation and manipulation of innocent people - in the name of money. Wwooooo bad. Icky poo.