Re: Questions
So far none of my Miasms have I had to take more then 6 megas of a single remedy or any of the other remedies I have taken from them thats not to say you would not need more then 6 megas thats just the most I have needed of any one remedy.
But that's not to say you might need several remedies to address one illness so I guess you could need that many.
Also I would guess you could just order what you knew or thought you needed but there could be something else under lying that's causeing the problem it seems like it could be a two part problem. I would hate to spend the money take the remedy guessing what I needed and then miss some thing and not have the complete healing your looking for.
Also depends who diagnoised you and if thats really the problem? MD, blood or lab testing or some other form and was the diagnoise correct?
For me it seems like its been a road map as she is testing me. It has never been just one thing always something else underlying..
Also I think David has made something like over 5000 remedies so far and he has been known to make special ones when a person needs it and he does not have it but they probably have one for your illness already.
You just need to call and ask them. The lady who usually answers is named Fran I have never met her but she is so sweet.
Let us know what you find out.
Blessings, Raider