Re: Raider........
I don't know because it depends on how many bottles you need.
You can also buy just 1 bottle a month of each remedy your taking instead of all at once. I always split mine up I have never been able to buy all the bottles I need in 1 stage.
So its kind of like buying your bottle of vitamins, your bottle of NKO & your bottle of Co-Q10 monthly instead of buying 6 bottles of each to last you 6 months.
Also depends how many bottles you will be on. Most stages from my experience has been you may start out with 7 and end up with 3 at them end.
Like for me I am on 4 bottles for the Whipples & CF but I only have to take 2 bottles of one remedy but the other 3 remedies I have to take 6 bottles.
I started with 7 on the brain and now down to only 2 remedies and I am almost done with those.
I also know that through HWS the bottles are $50.00 but if you find a local practitioner you might get them cheaper. Debra charges us less.
Because I went to class in Feb now I can buy my own for wholesale. So its making it a little more affordable but still expensive but will worth it.
I still go to Debra to do my testing then just order my own bottles.
I hope this helps...
Blessings, Raider