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Day 3 of vorius' water fast
vorius Views: 3,650
Published: 15 y
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Day 3 of vorius' water fast

OK So here I am on Day 3 and I am feeling great. I weighed in at 189 lbs this morning so thats another 3 lbs off. I do actually still feel some hunger pangs today and yesterday after I posted but they are minor, and usually a swig of water takes care of it.

My pulse rate did indeed stabilize yesterday, I guess I should really rest well prior to taking it! When I measured again at noon time it was 66 then at night time 59.

I am in great spirits though every once in a while when I move fast I get a little bit light headed and I am stating to get tired more easily when I perform some work like moving something somewhat heavy around. Of course I try avoiding any strenuous work, but it's just things around the house one normally does.

I am interested also to see if my vision improves during my fast so I printed out a vision chart and gave myself a test- I am 20/25 currently but can barely see a few letters of the 20/20 line. Let's see if that improves ;-)


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