Can anyone out there help me with this? I've got 2 gallstones, the biggest being about 1.75cm and the other about 1.5 or 1.6cm, visible on ultrasound taken today, and both very slightly flattened. There's no cholecystitis (inflamed gallbladder) evident at the moment. The surgeon thinks they are cholesterol stones, and I'm due for surgery to remove my gallbladder in 3 days. The trouble is, I want to flush instead, but I'm too scared after warnings from the doctor about stones getting stuck and causing pancreatitis or other problems. Has anyone else passed any stones this size, and/or seen 'before' and 'after' evidence on ultrasound that can confirm they are indeed gallstones? If so, was it painful? I want to follow Dr Hulda Clark 's method, and I've been drinking apple juice and trying to pluck up courage! I'd be REALLY grateful for any comments on this, as I'm quite stressed over this problem and the looming surgery with its after effects.