It just sounds like you need to do a lot of liver/gallbladder flushes Kapule! (no, I don't think you're dying) Have you done your first yet? Believe me...these pains you're having will go away...have you clicked on 'recommended messages' through the Liver Flush archives to read people's posts? Just because the rest of your family has had cancer doesn't meant that you have to! No way. It can stop with you. Once you start flushing, you'll most likely want to do other cleanses (bowel and parasite). It will change your life...sooo many people notice that their diet/life changes oh so naturally once they start doing these flushes and cleanses..your body comes into balance and wants to feel good! All your body needs is a big of cleaning out...then it will heal itself because it will be able to. Trust that...give your body a bit of help. Start flushing for sure! And let us know how you do. Ask more questions too..and read lots!