Laetrile would not be my choice as a standalone cancer treatment
There does seem to be a discrepancy - I will have to check on it a bit. I would think that there is a reason that the recommended maximum number of seeds is far less than 75 just in most places where you see information about laetrile. On the other hand, I have also seen where doses as high as 70 grams per day were administered with no ill effects and seen the contention that most doctors tend to under-dose.
At any rate, let me state very clearly that I would NEVER recommend that anyone rely solely on laetrile to beat cancer. It usually takes a long time to work and is best suited for certain kinds of cancer* and where a person has been given up to two years to live. I like laetrile as a component of an overall protocol, but by itself I like it only as a preventive or as a maintenance item once cancer has been defeated.
* Rubin (1977) found in their clinical investigations in Israel that amygdalin (Laetrile) was most effective against adenocarcinoma and Hodgkin's disease, somewhat less effective in certain other of the sarcomas and melanomas , and relatively poor results were achieved with the leukemia. Similar results have been obtained by other clinicians in the United States and elsewhere. The best results with amygdalin (Laetrile) therapy have been achieved with lung, prostate, breast, lymphomas, liver and brain cancer.