There is an incredible amount of information coming
into our sphere as the vibrational poles shift and earth changes the orbitally axis rotation
We see a lot of hypnotherapists channeling information, the only problem wth the channeling is the oracle itself has a POV being n the flesh, we cannot help our limited fleshly view.
I've listened to quite a few, and I get my own mesages but far less ornate than those I've listened to- I am not asking for nor using hypnotherapy in my daily life- but still they come.
It occurs to me that letting go of all that does not serve, is the biggest message on the planet - or perhaps of the Universe. It wouold encompass about all of our business culture in the 21st century.
Well not all, bascially the structure of the business heirarchy.
It permeates all the less than behaviors we as humans are capable of.
Karmic lives slushed together for the purpose of the shft and forgiveness.
How to heal? Spend thousands of dollars to relieve negativiity- then watch the news and reclaim the negative charge that seems to fascinate us.
So what is the new thinkng?
I see t here in certan forum- self promotional, there has to be an upset or bad guy or bad organzation to disturb, and then an answer of what one canbuty to right the wrong. These heros are promoting the negative to sell something- much as big pharma and the FDA, it is the same MO
With a little bible thumping thrown in--to prove the rightness and holiness of the answer to the problem. The turht s the people who are making a rela dfference ar eoperating on a positive note- this is not to say that the world nor the problems of the world do not exist..
Dealing with the same thinking that got you not the jam will not serve to heal that very same jam.
What is the new thinking?
It is the thinking of OKness, and knowing that you are the calm when the storm is blowing
David Wolfe has a great way of havng the best day ever..and the best something- by the way I liked your post Donna in Barefoots forum
had just been listeing to a utube on the phytoplakton superfood and considering a vegetable stone made with photoplakton ORMUS...yes this would be a wonderful alchemy indeed
Why do we need a stone at all? We have it all within us without any substance, because we are associating with lower energies and when the shift comes the vbrational matches wll have the coherence to shift to the new realm.
fortunately there will be some that will not make the shift, but they will not know it, will live theiir years out die and not come back again
A blessing for them
The "others" will make the shift but those who have -even at very high energies- made use of their talents in less than a loving way, will not survive in the higher vibration.
Like football there will be cuts;}