Re: Smoking ban leads to major drop in heart attacks
"Do you mean the Ammonia, Arsnic, Cadmium, Carbon monoxide, Formaldahyde, Hydrogen Cyanide, Nicotine, Pesticides, Tar, N-nytrosomenes, and the rest of the 4000 Chemicals that come from Tobacco when it's smoked?"
yes, of course. but that wasnt tobacco that was tested, that was commercial cigarettes. do you like
additives in your food? youre lucky. at least youre aware of a choice. but the lies are no less harmful regarding tobacco as with mcdonalds. there really is a safer cigarette. its just that phillip morris refuses to make it because of greed.
these are not fine distinctions or rationalizations, any more so than the difference between distilled water and tap water or bromated bread and iodinated bread. the differece is very real and experienced by very few indeed. people should listen to those with experience, especially if all they have to go on is what they are told.
people lie. and if they will lie in their testimony they will also lie in their evidence.
show me a test of organic tobacco. oh, darn, thats right, there aint and will never be one.