Are there any natural supplements for depression which work without any bad side effects?
Hi everybody. I am very depressed and have tried a number of natural supplements to help relieve my depression. However, all the natural supplements I have tried either don't work for me or they give me bad side effects. I tried St. John's Wort. The St.John's Wort I tried gave me headaches and I felt very spacey. I had to stop taking this brand after a week. Next,I tried a different brand of St. John's Wort. This next brand gave me awful stomach aches and once again I felt spacey. These side effects got so bad and I had to stop taking this brand after two days on it. I tired to lower the dosages on both brands thinking this would allow me to not get these side effects but to no avail. These two St. John's Wort brands which I tried are popular brand names. I am surprised that I got such terrible side effects. Another supplement that gave me bad side effects was 5-HTP. When I have tried 5-HTP, a number of times over the years and all it did for me was to make me to sleepy. I felt like I was a walking zombie, dead brain tired from the 5-HTP. It calmed me down but too much to the point that I couldn't function. Even when I lowered the dosage it still made me brain tired. Next, I tried Same-E. Same-E didn't do anything for me at all. At least I didn't get any side effects from the Same-E but it just didn't do anything to help my depression. The same thing with L-Tyrosine, it didn't do anything for me at all. Besides, L-Tyrosine, DLPA and LPA are known to raise your blood pressure so I wouldn't want to keep on trying these supplements anyways. So can someone help me? Does anybody have any ideas of what natural supplements and dosage amount which I can take for my depression? I was hoping to find a natural supplement for my
Depression which would make me feel happy and give me energy. I really don't want to see a doctor to get on prescription anti-depressants. I want to cure myself the natural way. Please respond back back with some advice or answers. Thank you.