I'm sorry, that's just a ludicrous question. The very fact that this chemical has not been tested for human consumption, the fact that it is a toxic chemical, the fact that any medication has to be curtailed during pregnancy to protect the unborn child, all are reasons to not suggest that a pregnant woman take it. Children's systems are still growing, and shouldn't be subjected to substances that are not tested FOR children. My complaint is that Humble claims that it is safe for both children and pregnant women, and he has no way of knowing that. He doesn't know what it does to developing fetuses, and neither do you. I want it stopped and tested before anyone can be harmed. We do know that it isn't as safe as you thought, we know that it doesn't cure like the claims said. Why on earth would you want to subject innocent children to your theories, when they may be harmed in the long run. Since you claim that it is safe, the burden of proof is on you, and if it proves not to be safe, the blame is on you as well.