I don't recall how old you are...did they check for endo many years ago? Unfortunately, many doctors don't recognize it because of the different theories about endometriosis...you might be interested to read up on what Dr. David Redwine has to say about it. Endo can cause adhesions that can really complicate bowel function...even if you don't have it the ovarian cyst and surgery could also create adhesions. And there is a good chance that your hormones are out of whack...not uncommon after the trauma of surgery on the reproductive system.
You might want to start doing regular castor oil packs on your abdomen...they help to break up congestion and adhesions. Regular abdominal massage would also be beneficial...anything to loosen up your pelvic organs. Taking vitex may help to balance your hormones, too.
I'm sorry that your family is not more supportive...the stress of that alone is contributing to your health problems, no doubt. I can appreciate the dilemma you're in and wish I had an easy solution. It's probably best to keep as many of your health problems to yourself and avoid involving your family as much as possible. I strongly encourage you to take up something like meditation &/or yoga and to journal regularly to give you an outlet for emotions. There are a couple of organizations for people with MCS...have you tried contacting any of them? If I come across anything I will surely pass it on to you.