Celiac u mean? That its like an addiction, not a disease?
I like that mentality, all things are curable, I do agree with that. :)
I guess its hard for me to believe I could ever eat gluten again, Ive been doing
Iodine over a year now and the slighest trace of gluten still makes me ill for days. :( BUT- your case does give me a lot of hope! I believe I can heal from what gluten has done to me.
I don't think I'd ever eat it again by choice tho!
Also- greed indeed. It's so disgusting how they will use whatever is the cheapest grain as a filler in almost everything, no matter how much it harms people. Use as much filler as possible, cut costs, get the biggest profits, line our pockets! Thats their mentality. It's so gross. I hate gluten.