Since I have done so many flushes, still have symptoms and have only expelled a total of about 500 stones, I keep doing the Liver Flush and trying new ways to improve them.
I did the Claude Lewis Liver Flush flush (from this site's pages) this weekend. I used 2 cups of oil mixed with juice spread out over a couple of hours. The next day all I got was 3 tiny brite green stones. I was disappointed that more didn't come out. Then sometime in the afternoon I had a gallbladder attack. So I did another flush with a half cup of oil mixed with juice to try to push out the cause of the attack. Around 11:00pm I expelled one brite green stone the size of two almonds stuck together. This morning I got out 20 tan stones ranging in size from that of a pear to 3/4 of an almond.
So I think the take home message is if you don't get stones out after a flush, and you think you still have stones- then do another flush right away. Must mean that the first flush moved the stones, but not quite far enough to be expelled.