Re: Water fasting for detox or weight loss, which one are we??? Fasting for weight loss that way (points to the left)
For a past addict you are very uncompassionate. You were lucky to find a way out of your addiction, but it is not a waste of time, supporting that person smoking a ciggerette etc or drinking a fifth of vodka after dialysis.
I'm surprised you said that being so in touch with Jesus. Addiction is just that, hard to kick, and you should know that more than some others.
I gave up smoking 24 years ago, but it took many attemps. Nothing is that simple. People do want to get well, but are a slave to their addictions, and have to find a way out.
My husband says if people want to lose weight, then they should stop eating junk, it is as simple as that. He would support hospitals not operating on obese people, until they lost weight. God help me if i ever put on alot of weight!