Optimal thyroid not about stoking the fire
Without looking as far as supplementing with Thyroid hormones, may they be synthetic or natural (Armathyriod? Dessicated Thyroid?), you should try to find out why the thyroid is not working properly.
I noticed that most people on thyroid forums do not really ask themselves this question, which is why they never really manage to live in a healthy body. Then it is easy to criticise this or that supplement etc.
No amount of thyroid supplementation will be able to compensate for the reasons the thyroid is not working properly. It can compensate the effect on the thyroid but it will not heal the body, and the problem will be displaced elsewhere, just as the thyroid problem is an expression of another problem. If I denied my body this expression, it found another way to speak up.
If you artificially boost your thyroid with ready made thyroid hormones, you are forcing this inside your body. It may very well be that your thyroid refuses to do its work because your body believes that in its actual state, more thyroid hormones will be harmful.
Please do not consider your thyroid as being a "part" in a machine which is your body.
It is all in a very delicate balance.
Iodine in my view does not only supply a much needed element which is food for the thyroid and the rest of the body. It allows the body to communicate with itself and reconstruct itself in accordance to the electric blueprint of perfect health. This will become obvious in the course of
Iodine supplementation but it takes time to see results!
In a way, supplementing with
Iodine is not about stoking the fire. It is all about repair.
In my experience What else is good?
- put your liver back in shape. If it is not, all the glutathione goes there instead of going to protect the thyroid from oxidative damage. This is one of the causes of hypothyroidism.
- yoga that concentrates on the endocrine system is extremely efficient with IMMEDIATE results. It circulates energy around all your endocrine glands. You avoid sinking your adrenals to help your thyroid for example.
- pranayama allows IMMEDIATELY the exit of a lot of toxins through the breath, bypassing the liver which is already in trouble. Allows selective removal of toxins from specified areas, which is handy too.
- restriction of goitrogens
- complete avoidance of
Mono-Sodium-Glutamat (Natrium Glutamat) and Aspartame, which led you to where you are.
Now if you ask me, with all this can I completely cure my thyroid/body? my answer is Most probably YES! I believe so. It worked for me and for a few friends who followed this advice. Of course I do not know what in your life has led you there, this is a question on your lifestyle that you have to answer yourself.
Sorry my advice sounds a bit weird, but there are many ways to get results, and this is one of them. Cost effective, and you can do this on your own. AND it follows the precept : Physician do no harm.
Lots and lots of good wishes! :)