Wondering about Diabetes, among other and UT
Hi. I found in many articles a slight mention of Diabetes in lists of what UT has cured, but cannot find many stories or other info. I doubt its safe to do the complete fast as a diabetic. But I was wondering if anyone could tell me positive stories of using urine therapy for their diabetes.- or websites with specific info/stories to this condition.
Another question, odd I know, but could it possibly help with me trying to quit smoking? For one, I'm terrified to quit becouse of swelling and weight gain, and heard that UT helps with this.- and don't worry, if I did this, I would quit before I started drinking it.
I also have very bad leg circulation, thyroid disease, and tooth and gum problems (chronic absesses)
I'd appreciate any help. I am only 31, and would like to feel that age. Advice on other therapies is welcome as well.