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can UT cure lymphoma?
my 37 yr. old sister has been diagnosed with lymphoma. I jsut posted this whole long post about this on the
Cancer Forum , but I figured I'd ask here too, just in case. I was reading the testimonials of UT, and it's amazing...I'm going to do this myself! She was told she has a hole in her stomach, and that her intestinal wall is "thickening" and that the lymph nodes in her abdomen are clumping together and SWOLLEN! about 9 mos. ago she developed very bad constipation, the dr. put her on some pills to help this, but it didn't help to much, and then about 8 weeks ago, when that stoamch virus was going around, she got SUDDEN diareah, and since then, it's been back and forth, some days diareah, some days constipaton. She can't even eat, becasue there is pain when the food goes down the esophogus, and when it hits the stomach, the pain is incredible. She falls to the floor, in a ball. This goes on for about 10 minutes, then begins to lessen a little more and more.but she'll still deal with hit for about 3 hrs. on and off. So, she can't clean out her colon by taking any herbs or cleaners because that would have to be swallowed, and I told her to do an enema for his, but naturally, she's putting that off, but I don't think she should. She only lives on broth and water, and even that hurts. She's getting thinnner and weaker by the day. I was wondering if the UT would help her, what do you think? thank you so much!