16 y
Medical HOAX!!
"The patient needs to take control of treatment by asking the doctor questions, and fully understanding the treatment."
Now why would a patient need to ask the doctor anything when most of them don't know squat about HEALTH? All they know is disease and drugs. For this disease, you take that drug. When in doubt, we just cut off the offending part.
If patient asks them about CAUSE, they'd reply: We don't know, but we'll tell you a lot of misleading medical jargon. For this disease, you this that drug. When in doubt, we just cut off the offending part.
How many doctors know about real nutrition, & I don't mean the low fat, low salt crap that caused many illness & suffering. Nutrition is an ELECTIVE in medical school. That means it's OPTIONAL. Today, with public protests, they might take 1 class.
THIS is a profession who "fully understands treatment"???!!! JOKE!