Re: Adrenal Fatigue and thinking of killing myself
Hi. I'm fairly new to this board. And in reading this old post of yours, I can only say how much I sympathize with you, as I have been there. I know exactly how you feel.
The only way I got through it was by my faith in God, praying, reading Psalms, and staying positive about getting through this. I did all the research I could seeking knowledge on this. Internet forums are also very helpful and supportive.
I truly believe most all regular MD's don't know squat about adrenal fatigue and hypoglycemia and is is all mostly treated though diet and suppliments. Naturopathic doctors who specialize in hormonal health is the best way to seek testing and treatment. Most will do a 24 hour urine collection to check all hormone levels and or, saliva or blood testing. The protocal, once established and strictly adhered too, over time symptoms will dissapate. It's all individualized, ,depending on the severity of symptoms and length of time. I just had a very major set back with my adrenals and hypoglycemia, mainly due to many stressors and not sticking to my diet. It has taken me 2 months to just feel somewhat normal and to drive to the grocery store by myself and get into the pool and do light exercizing. I still have some light anxiety and brain fog, the
Depression is getting better too as well as the fatigue. I realize, even though I am finally seeing some light at the end of the tunnel, I still can not over do things and I will always keep it that way too, as I don't ever want to go through this again. Please, keep the faith and stick in there. Even if you are better now, and have not seen a good naturopathic dr., I'd still find one. Call as many as you can find within your location and ask if they specialize in adrenal and hormonal health and balance . . . I sure hope you are doing better now.