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Re: Please help: Nonstop post-nasal drip causes constant throat clearing. Seen numerous doctors with no answers.
imaxfli Views: 28,850
Published: 16 y
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Re: Please help: Nonstop post-nasal drip causes constant throat clearing. Seen numerous doctors with no answers.

If you have been on anti biotics regularly probably have some Candida issues going on. When I had Candida my nose was plugged up constantly, and it would start dripping when I ate food(I would also start to sweat)...this has all gone since I treated being over acidic and the Candida...go to MORELESS and start his protocol, don't eat Sugar or white-bread, do some Grapefruit-Seed-Extract with lots of fiber and water for a month and then probiotics...I could almost guarantee success, you will be AMAZED how great it feels to sleep breathing through your nose again!!!

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