No, I'm hydrating it, that's what I mean when I say it's a bugger to mix - I had to use a blender to mix the powder Bentonite with water to make the hydrated Bentonite. I did at first follow the instructions on that website, well, 3 days later I was still waiting for the clay to absorb the water. They say not to 'disturb' the clay. In the end I followed Tracey's advice and mixed a paste first, then kept adding more water. After about half an hour of hard labour I got the hand blender out, thankfully it has a plastic mixing thingy (not metal).
I am quite scared to mix the Bentonite (hydrated) with the Psillium husks into a paste as it sets up so quick. I just kept stirring while I was pouring the water into the mix and drank straight away.