22 y
Re: colon lining?
It is on the becomingyounger yahoo group. Here is the link, but not sure it will get you there
You may have to join the group to access, but here is a portion of the particular post
.....All the garbage that you have eaten since your youth, the pork the beef the white flour and hydrogenated oils, etc, that has not been properly passed, out of your system and remains clinging to the lining of your colon There are many ways to clean the colon.The first time I lost the lining of my colon, was after I fasted for 2 weeks, on water, taking enemas twice daily!! I would suggest to all
that you read a book by Paul Bragg called" the miracle of fasting" in it he details how he fasts and the wonders that it did for him!! ...Fasting gives your body a chance to clean and repair itself. There are very effective colon cleansing systems at health Food stores, the Sonne system is very good, because it uses
Bentonite clay, which draws the lining away from the colon!!...