I am really glad to have found this web site. I have read almost all the posts and have gleaned a lot of info about cleanses.
I am currently doing the MC, great results,although today I feel low on energy. I have lost 7
pounds in the last 5 days. I do the salt water flushes, and at the beginning I was only getting yellow water, I now seem to be getting to the old stuff. Nothing interesting yet.
I am wondering if I should also do the psyllium and
Bentonite as well as the MC?
The psyllium husks are no prob. they are already in my pantry. I have looked far and wide for Bentonite, no-one seems to have heard of it.
I saw on one of the posts that someone in Australia ( I live in Western Australia) listed a web site for the stockists, I called several telephone numbers listed, but no one had heard of it. I now cannot find that post...(lots of posts to go through)
PTree, I was hoping you could give me some advice as you know so much about these cleanses. Also should I do the
Master-Cleanse and the psyllium and
Bentonite ( if I can possibly find it) at the same time?
I am thinking of calling all the health food stores in the yellow pages.
Would be grateful for any suggestion.