tap more than a toe of sincerity
scene for saying
initials on each line not lying down
and timing more than crying
mother's without engorgement but infant
launching lunch time or not nullifying
reinforced introduction
oxygen for rhyming
spiral notebook cloak rack
as poncho is from inspiration
or arousal beyond own
and just so can be a conformity reason
similar to child's striving
easier than on street but for river
among my kimchee not north south
but liking liquid also dealt by reactions not lurking
so artichoke will have a new angle
yet not be stamped out under spinach roots
separating from constant chew to sure provision
like jalapeno in full color isn't just decoration
added for succulent finish or influence
not nailed by seeds carrying same descriiption...
alongside vegetation for vocabulary whole
but watched, aerobic isn't ascerbic
music itself isn't always a lovely arrow
yet we can turn a new leaf out of bitterness
raised properly or shifted
from sedentary to shaken rhizome
continued like coal resparked
or my smell of coffe resemblence only reminding me of milk thistle seed
decoction soak assistance contrast